Floristic Diversity in the Andes

A sampling of the vascular plants of
Northern Peru and Coastal Peru and Chile

Select a family for information and images. Images are being processed for those families that do not respond.

All thumbnail photographs are "clickable" for enlargements.

Last Addition: 14 March 1997


| Ephedraceae | Podocarpaceae |


|Amaryllidaceae |Araceae |Arecaceae | Bromeliaceae | Commelinaceae | Heliconiaceae | Iridaceae | Juncaceae | Liliaceae | Orchidaceae | Poaceae|


| Acanthaceae | Actinidaceae | Aizoaceae | Amaranthaceae | Anacardiaceae | Apiaceae | Apocynaceae | Asclepiadaceae | Araliaceae | Aristolochiaceae

| Asteraceae| Tribe Astereae| Tribe Barnadesieae |Tribe Cardueae | Tribe Eupatorieae |Tribe Gnaphalieae | Tribe Helenieae | Tribe Heliantheae| Tribe Lactuceae| Tribe Liabeae | Tribe Mutisieae| Tribe Plucheae| Tribe Senecioneae

| Balanophoraceae | Basellaceae | Begoniaceae | Berberidaceae | Bignoniaceae | Bixaceae |Bombacaceae | Boraginaceae | Burseraceae | Buxaceae

|Cactaceae |Caesalpiniaceae ~ Fabaceae | Campanulaceae | Capparaceae | Caprifoliaceae |Caricaceae |Caryophyllaceae | Cecropiaceae |Chloranthaceae |Columelliaceae | Clusiaceae | Convolvulaceae | Crassulaceae | Cucurbitaceae | Cunoniaceae

|Elaeocarpaceae | Ericaceae | Euphorbiaceae|

| Fabaceae | Flacourtiaceae

| Gentianaceae | Geraniaceae | Gesneriaceae | Griseliniaceae | Grossulariaceae | Gunneraceae ~ Haloragaceae

| Hydrangeaceae

| Lamiaceae | Lauraceae | Ledocarpaceae |Loasaceae |Loganiaceae |Loranthaceae | Lythraceae

| Malpighiaceae |Malvaceae |Martyniaceae | Melastomataceae | Meliaceae | Monimiaceae | Moraceae | Myricaceae | Myristicaceae | Myrsinaceae | Myrtaceae

|Nolanaceae | Nyctaginaceae

| Oleaceae | Onagraceae | Oxalidaceae

| Passifloraceae | Piperaceae | Plumbaginaceae | Polemoniaceae | Polygalaceae | Polygonaceae | Portulacaceae | Proteaceae

| Ranunculaceae | Rhynchothecaceae | Rosaceae | Rubiaceae

| Sapindaceae | Sapotaceae | Saxifragaceae | Scrophulariaceae | Solanaceae | Sterculiaceae | Symplocaceae

| Theaceae | Thymelaeaceae | Tiliaceae | Tropaeolaceae | Turneraceae

| Urticaceae

| Valerianaceae | Verbenaceae | Violaceae

| Zygophyllaceae

The selections (+100 plant families, +200 genera) here provide brief discussions of the distribution and diversity for gymnosperms, monocotyledons, and dicotyledons from Peru and Chile. The examples illustrate plants from all the major floristic regions: alpine formations, coastal deserts, ceja de la montana, montane forests, and eastern lowland forests. The majority of these plants have restricted distributions (endemics) within their respective environments.

In the descriptions, the two-letter abbreviations represent the Departments of Peru and follow the usage in the Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru (Brako & Zarucchi, 1993). The list is provided here:

AM = Amazonas
AN = Ancash
AP = Apurímac
AR = Arequipa
AY = Ayacucho
CA = Cajamarca
CU = Cuzco
HU = Huánuco
HV = Huancavelica
IC = Ica
JU = Junín
LA = Lambayeque
LI = Lima
LL = La Libertad
LO = Loreto
MD = Madre de Dios
MO = Moquega
PA = Pasco
PI = Piura
PU = Puno
SM = San Martín
TA = Tacna
TU = Tumbes
UC = Ucayali

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